Files by Email February 1, 2025UncategorizedDaniel Funk Articles Selected for Email Inoue, Y., Funk, D.C., & McDonald, H. (2017). Predicting behavioral loyalty through corporate social responsibility: The mediating role of involvement and commitment. Journal of Business Research, 75, 46-56. Other Articles Kennedy, H., Bredikhina, N., Kunkel, T., Athanas-Linden, G., & Funk, D.C. (2023). Managing social media through crisis: A content analysis of Instragram post before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 32, 4, 284-301. Kunkel, K., & Funk, D.C. (2024). Guest editorial: The sport x service experience: an opportunity for sport service management. Journal of Service Management, 35, 1, 46-52. McDonald, H., Pallant, J., Funk, D.C., Kunkel, T. (in press). Who doesn’t like sport? A taxonomy of non-fans of professional sport. Sport Management Review Abdolmaleki, H, Mohammadi, S., Babaei, M., Soheili, B., Dickson, G., & Funk, D. (in press). Co-branding drivers between professional sport organizations and on-field sports apparel sponsors. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. Kennedy, H, & Funk, D.C. (2023). Habitually scrolling: An examination into how sport consumers use social media. International Journal of Sport Communication,16,2, 187-201. Funk & James PCM Chapter 2016 Pizzo & Funk 2022 Chapter Pizzo, Jones, Baker, Funk, & Kunkel, 2022 SMR Gupta, Su, Kunkel, & Funk, 2022 IR Inoue, Lock, Sato, & Funk 2022 SMR Zhou, Pizzo, & Funk, JIA 2021 Pizzo, Kunkel, et al., 2022 JBR Du, Floyd et al., 2021 LS Lee, Jones et al., SRM 2021 Kennedy, Kunkel, & Funk SMQ 2021 Lopez, Pizzo, et al., 2021 JBR Inoue, Y., Wann, D., Lock, D., Sato, M., Moore, C., & Funk, D.C. (2020). Enhancing Older Adults’ Sense of Belonging and Subjective Well-being through Sport Game Attendance, Team Identification, and Emotional Support. Journal of Aging and Health, 32, 7-8, 530-542. Inoue, I, Sato, M., Du, J., Filo, K., & Funk, D.C. (2017). Sport Spectatorship and Life Satisfaction: A Multi-Country Investigation. Journal of Sport Management, 31, 4, 419-432. Pizzo, A., Baker, B., Jones., G., & Funk, D.C., (2021). Sport Experience Design: Wearable Fitness Technology in the Health and Fitness Industry. Journal of Sport Management, 35, 130-143. Zhou, X., Funk, D.C., Lu, L., & Kunkel, T. (2021). Solving the athleisure myth: A means-end chain analysis of female activewear consumption. Journal of Sport Management. 35, 81-93 Lee, M., Kunkel, T, Funk, D.C., Karg, A., & McDonald, H. (2020). Built to last: Relationship Quality Management for Season Ticket Holders. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20, 3, 364-384. Lopez, C., Taylor, E., Jones, G., Huml, M., & Funk, D.C. (2020). Examining Work Experiences Among Collegiate Recreation Employees. Recreational Sports Journal, 44, 1, 15-23. Sato, M., Du, J., Inoue, Y., Funk, D.C., & Weaver, F. (2020). Older Adults’ Physical Activity and Health Care Costs, 2003-2014. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58,5, 141-148. Du, J., Kennedy, H., Funk, D.C., & James, J. (2020). Leveraging Event Participation Benefits Beyond the Running Course: Deciphering the Motivational Basis of Event Satisfaction. Journal of Sport Management, 34, 5, 435-446. Baker, B., Du, J., Sato, M., & Funk, D.C. (2020). Rethinking Segmentation within the Psychological Continuum Model using Bayesian Analysis. Sport Management Review, 23, 4, 764-755. Kennedy, H., Baker, B., Jordan, J., & Funk, D.C. (2019). Running Recession: A trend analysis of running involvement and runner characteristics to understand declining participation. Journal of Sport Management, 33, 3, 215-228. Sato, M., Inoue, Y., Du, J., & Funk, D.C. (2019). Access to Parks and Recreational Facilities, Physical Activity, and Healthcare Costs for Older Adults: Evidence From U.S. Counties. Journal of Leisure Research, 50, 3, 220-238. Pizzo, A.D., Jones, G. J., & Funk, D. C. (2019). Navigating the iron cage: An institutional creation perspective of collegiate esports. International Journal of Sport Management. 20(2), 1-27. Sato, M., Jordan, J., & Funk, D.C. (2019). Behavioral Correlates of Psychological Involvement: A Two-Year Study. Journal of Sport Management, 33, 2, 148-160. Cater, C., Funk, D.C., & Low, T. (2018). Adventure Racing and Active Lifestyles. Annals of Leisure Research, 21, 5, 605-611. Funk, D.C. (2019). Spreading Research Uncomfortably Slow: Insight for Emerging Sport Management Scholars. Journal of Sport Management, 30, 1, 1-11. Sato, Jordan, Funk & Sachs 2018 JLR Zhou, Hanlon, et al., 2018 SMR Pizzo, Baker et al., 2018 SMQ Baker, B.J., Jordan, J.S., & Funk, D.C. (2018). Run Again another Day: The Role of Consumer Characteristics and Satisfaction in Repeat Consumption of a Sport-Related Experience Product. Journal of Sport Management, 32, 38-52. Funk, D.C., Pizzo, A.D., & Baker, B.J. (2018). eSport Management: Embracing eSport Education and Research Opportunities. Sport Management Review, 21, 7-13. Alexandris, K., Du, J., Funk, D.C., & Theodorakis, N. (2017). Leisure Constraints and the Psychological Continuum Model: A Study among Recreational Mountain Skiers. Leisure Studies, 36, 5, 670-683. Alexandris, K., Du, J., & Funk, D.C. (2016). The influence of sport activity personality on the stage-based development of attitude formation among recreational mountain skiers. Managing Sport and Leisure, 21, 4, 218-238. Kunkel, T., Funk, D.C., & Lock, D. (2017). The effect of the league brand on the relationship between the team brand and behavioral intentions: A formative approach examining brand associations and brand relationships. Journal of Sport Management, 31, 317-332. Doyle, J., Lock, D., Funk, D.C., Filo, K. & McDonald, H. (2017). I was there from the start: The identity maintenance strategies used by fans to combat the threat of losing. Sport Management Review, 20, 2, 184-197. Funk, D.C. (2017). Introducing a Sport Experience Design (SX) framework for sport consumer behaviour research Inoue, Y., Funk, D.C., & McDonald, H. (2017). Predicting behavioral loyalty through corporate social responsibility: The mediating role of involvement and commitment. Journal of Business Research, 75, 46-56. Sato, M., Jordan, J., & Funk, D.C. (2016). A Distance-Running Event and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Roles of Involvement. Sport Management Review, 19, 5, 536-549. Baker, B.J., Zhou, X., Pizzo, A.D., Du, J., & Funk, D.C. (in press). Collaborative self-study: Lessons from a study on wearable fitness technology and physical activity. Sport Management Review. Doyle, J., Filo, K., Lock, D., Funk, D.C., & McDonald, H. (2016). Exploring PERMA in spectator sport: Applying positive psychology to examine the individual-level benefits of sport consumption. Sport Management Review, 19, 5, 506-519. Nair, U.S., Jordan, J., Funk, D.C., Gavin, K., Tibbetts, E., & Collins, B.N. (2016). Integrating health education and physical activity programming for cardiovascular health promotion among female inmates: A proof of concept study. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 48, 65-69. Baker, B., McDonald, H., & Funk, D.C. (2016). The Uniqueness of Sport: Testing against Marketing’s Empirical Laws. Sport Management Review, 19, 4, 378-390. Baker, B., McDonald, H., & Funk, D.C. (2016). The Uniqueness of Sport: Testing against Marketing’s Empirical Laws. Sport Management Review, 19, 4, 378-390. Goldman, M., Chadwick, S., Funk, D.C., & Wocke, A. (2016). I am distinctive when I belong: Meeting the need for optimal distinctiveness through team identification. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 16, 3, 198-220. Wegner, C., Jordan, J., Funk, D.C., & Clark, B. (2016). Black Girls Run: Facilitating a Connection for Black Women to the “White” Sport of Running. Journal of Sport Management, 30,4, 382-395. Lock, D., & Funk, D.C. (2016). The Multiple In-Group Identity Framework. Sport Management Review, 2, 85-96. Kunkel, T., Doyle, J., Funk, D.C., Du, J., & McDonald, H. (2016). The development and change of brand associations and their influence on team loyalty over time. Journal of Sport Management, 30, 117-134. Funk, D.C., Lock, D., Karg, A., & Pritchard, M. (2016). Sport consumer behavior: Improving our game. Journal of Sport Management, 30, 113-116 Mahony, D.F., Gladden, J.M., & Funk, D.C. (2003). An examination of athletic Donors at NCAA Division I institutions. International Journal of Sport Management, Winter, 9-27. Nakazawa, M., Mahony, D.F., Funk, D.C. & Hirakawa, S. (1999). Segmenting J. League spectators based upon length of time as a fan. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 8, 55-65. Funk, D.C., Filo, K., Beaton, A., & Pritchard, M. (2009). Measuring Motives for Sport Event Attendance: Bridging the Academic-Practitioner Divide. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 18, 126-138. Alexandris, C. Kouthouris, Funk, D.C, & Giovani, R. (2009). Segmenting Winter Sport Tourists by Motivation: The Case of Recreational Skiers. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 18, 480-499. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & O’Brien, D. (2009). The Meaning Behind Attachment: Exploring Camaraderie, Cause, and Competency at a Charity Sport Event. Journal of Sport Management, 23, 361-387. Beaton, A., Funk, D.C., & Alexandris, A. (2009). Operationalizing a Theory of Participation in physically active leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 41, 177-203. Filo, K., Funk, D.C. & Hornby, G. (2009). The Role of Website Content on Motive and Attitude Change for Sport Events. Journal of Sport Management, 23, 21-40. Funk, D.C., Alexandris, K., & Ping, Y. (2009). To Go or Stay Home and Watch: Exploring the Balance between Motives and Constraints for Major Events: A Case Study of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. International Journal of Tourism Research, 11, 41-53. Pritchard, M., Funk, D.C., & Alexandris, A. (2009). Barriers to Repeat Patronage: The Impact of Spectator Constraints. European Journal of Marketing, 43, 169-187. Terson de Paleville, P., Swank, A.M., Funk, D.C., Bradley, S., & Topp, R. (2009). Adding weights to low intensity exercise increases isometric muscular strength and functional ability in healthy older adults. International Journal of Fitness, 5(1), 51-59. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & O’Brien, D. (2008). It’s Really Not About the Bike: Exploring Attraction and Attachment to the Events of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 501-525. Beaton, A.A. & Funk, D.C. (2008). An Evaluation of Theoretical Frameworks for Studying Physically Active Leisure. Leisure Sciences, 30, 53-70. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & Alexandris, K. (2008). Exploring the Impact of Brand Trust on the Relationship between Brand Associations and Brand Loyalty in Sport and Fitness. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 3, 39-57. Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D.C., & Chatzigianni, E. (2008). Examining the Relationships among Leisure Constraints, Involvement and Attitudinal Loyalty among Recreational Skiers. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8, 247-264. Ping, Yang, & Funk, D.C. (2007). The Attractions and Constraints for Potential Foreign Tourists Travelling to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Beijing Sport University, Vol 30 No. 2, 158-160. Funk, D.C., Toohey, K., & Bruun, T. (2007). International Sport Event Participation: Prior Sport Involvement; Destination Image; and Travel Motives. European Sport Management Quarterly, 7, 227-248. Funk, D.C. & Bruun, T. (2007). The Role of Socio-Psychological and Culture-Education Motives in Marketing International Sport Tourism: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Tourism Management, 28, 806-819. Liu, T., Funk, D.C., Swank, A.M., & Farr, B. (2007). Effects of Knee Brace on Balance, Knee Stability and Proprioception. Applied Research In Coaching And Athletics Annual, 77-96. Funk, D.C., & Pritchard, M. (2006). Responses to Publicity in Sports: Commitment’s Moderation of Message Effects. Journal of Business Research, 59, 613-621. Funk, D.C., & James, J., (2006). Consumer Loyalty: The Meaning of Attachment in the Development of Sport Team Allegiance. Journal of Sport Management, 20, 189-217. Funk, D.C., Nakasawa, M., Mahony, D.F., & Thrasher, R. (2006). The Social Impact of the National Sport Lottery and the FIFA World Cup on Attendance, Spectator Motives, and J. League Marketing Strategies. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship 3, 267-285. Pritchard, M., & Funk, D.C. (2006). Dual Routes to Consumption: Examining the Symbiotic and Substitutionary Nature of Sport Attendance and Media Use. Journal of Sport Management, 20(3), 299-321. Neale, L. & Funk, D.C. (2006). Investigating Motivation, Attitudinal Loyalty and Attendance Behavior with Fans of Australian Football. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 3, 307-317. Ridinger, L. & Funk, D.C. (2006). Looking at Gender Differences Through the Lens of Sport Spectators. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 3, 123-134. Funk, D., & Pritchard, M.P. (2005). Assessing the Impact of Sport Editorials and Cognitive Complexity on Social Behavior. Where Sport Marketing Theory Meets Practice. Selected Papers from the Second Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association B. Pitts (Ed.), (pp. 101-115). Morgantown WV: Fitness Information Technology. Filo, K., & Funk, D.C. (2005). Congruence between Attractive Product Features and Virtual Content Delivery for Internet Marketing Communication. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 14, 112-122. Robinson, D.H., Funk, D.C., Beth. A., & Bush, A.M. (2005). Changing beliefs about corporal punishment: Increasing knowledge about ineffectiveness to build more consistent moral and informational beliefs. Journal of Behavioral Education, 14(2), 117-139. Swank, A.M., Funk, D.C., Steinel, L., Heigelber, A., & Manire, J. (2005). Independence and reliability of differentiated ratings of perceived exertion during modest incremental exercise. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 100, 841-850. Swank, A.M., Funk, D.C., Mamire, J.T., DuGruccio, L.A., Dimitriadis, C.K., & Marty Denny, D. (2005). Echocardiographic evaluation of stress test for determining safety of participation in strength training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 19, 389-393. Funk, D.C., Ridinger, L., & Moorman, A.J. (2004). Exploring Origins of Involvement: Understanding the Relationship between Consumer Motives and Involvement with Professional Sport Teams. Leisure Sciences, 26, 35-61. Funk, D.C., & James, J.D. (2004). The Fan Attitude Network (FAN) Model: Propositions for Exploring Identity and Attitude Formation among Sport Consumers. Sport Management Review, 7, 1-26. Craven, C., Farr, B., Liu, T., Nigrini, C., Funk. D.C., & Swank, A.M. (2004). The Temporal Efficacy of Ankle Taping Verse Brace on Restriction of Ankle Inversion Over an Extended Period of Activity. Applied Research In Coaching And Athletics Annual, 52-65. Essig, F., Sinclair, D. Hare, J., Moreillon, J., Funk, D., & Swank, A. (2004). Cross-Sectional analysis of cardiovascular risk factor for participants of a university faculty and staff wellness program. Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline, 7, 37-43. Funk, D.C., Mahony, D.F. Havitz, M. (2003). Sport consumer behavior: Assessment and direction. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 12, 200-205. Funk, D.C., Ridinger, L., & Moorman, A.J. (2003). Understanding Consumer Support: Extending the Sport Interest Inventory (SII) to Examine Individual Differences among Women’s Professional Sport Consumers. Sport Management Review, 6, 1-32. Robinson, D. H., Funk, D. C., Halbur, D., & O’Ryan, L. (2003). The .05 level of significance in educational research: Traditional, arbitrary, sacred, magical, or simply psychological? Research in the Schools, 10, 79-86. Funk, D.C., Swank, A.M., Mikla, B., Fagen, T., & Farr, B.K. (2003). Impact of prior exercise on hamstring flexibility: A comparison of PNF and static stretching routines. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17, 489-492. Swank A.M., Funk D.C., Durham M.P. & Roberts, S. (2003). Adding weights to stretching exercise increases passive range of motion for healthy elderly. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 17(2), 374-378. Funk, D.C. (2002). Consumer-Based Marketing: The Use of Micro-Segmentation Strategies to Understand Sport Consumption. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 4, 231-256. Mahony, D.F., Nakazawa, M., Funk, D.C., James, J., & Gladden, J.M. (2002). Motivational factors impacting the behavior of J. League spectators: Implications for league marketing efforts. Sport Management Review, 5, 1-24. Funk, D.C., Mahony, D.F., & Ridinger, L. (2002). Characterizing Consumer Motivation as Individual Difference Factors: Augmenting the Sport Interest Inventory (SII) to Explain Level of Spectator Support. Sport Marketing Quarterly 11, 33-43. Gladden, J.M., & Funk, D.C. (2002). Developing and understanding of brand association in team sport: Empirical evidence from professional sport consumers. Journal of Sport Management, 16, 54-81. Swank, A.M., Funk, D.C., Baily, C., Pinkham, K.K., & Soldner, K.R. (2002). Cardiovascular and Subjective Responses to One and Three Repetition Maximum Strength Testing. Clinical Exercise Physiology, 4(2), 96-100. Swank, A.M., Funk, D.C., Adams, K.J., O’Daniel, K., Walker, J., & Denny, D.M., (2002). Combined high intensity strength and aerobic training enhances quality of life for individuals with CHF. Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 5(2), 36-41. Funk, D.C., & James, J. (2001). The psychological continuum model: A conceptual framework for understanding an individual’s psychological connection to sport. Sport Management Review, 2, 119-150. Funk, D.C., Mahony, D.F., Nakazawa, M., & Hirakawa, S. (2001). Development of the Sports Interest Inventory (SII): Implications for measuring unique consumer motives at sporting events. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 3, 291-316. Gladden J. M., & Funk, D.C. (2001). Understanding brand loyalty in professional sport: Examining the link between brand association and brand loyalty. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 3, 67-94. Swank, A.M., Serapiglia, L., Funk, D.C., Adams, K.J., Durham, M., & Berning, J.M. (2001). Development and validation of a sub-maximal treadmill test for predicting VO2max. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15, 302-308. Funk, D.C., Swank, A., Adams, K. J., & Treolo, D.T. (2001). Efficacy of moist heat pack application over static stretching on hamstring flexibility. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15, 123-126. Funk, D.C., Haugtvedt, C.P., & Howard, D.R. (2000). Contemporary attitude theory in sport: Theoretical considerations and implications. Sport Management Review, 3, 125-144. Funk, D.C., & Pastore, D.L. (2000). Equating attitudes to allegiance: The usefulness of selected attitudinal information in segmenting loyalty to professional sports teams. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 9, 175-184. Funk, D.C., Mahony, D.F., Nakazawa, M., & Hirakawa, S. (2000). Spectator motives: Differentiating among objects of attraction in professional football. European Journal of Sport Management, 7, 51-67. Alexandris, K., Funk, D.C., & Pritchard, M. (2011). The Impact of Constraints on Motivation, Activity Attachment and Skier Intentions to Continue. Journal of Leisure Research, 43, 56-79. Funk, D.C., Mahony, D.F., Nakazawa, M., & Hirakawa, S. (2001). Development of the Sports Interest Inventory (SII): Implications for measuring unique consumer motives at sporting events. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 3, 291-316. Swank, A., Funk, D.C., Manire, J.T., Allard, A.L., & Denny, D.M. (2010). Effect of resistance training and aerobic conditioning on muscular strength and submaximal fitness for individuals with chronic heart failure: Influence of age and gender. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24, 1298-1305. Chen, N. & Funk, D.C. (2010). Exploring Destination Image, Experience and Revisit Intention: A Comparison of Sport and Non-Sport Tourist Perceptions. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 15, 239-259. Pritchard, M., & Funk, D.C. (2010). The Formation and Effect of Attitude Importance in Professional Sport. European Journal of Marketing, 44, 1017-1036. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & O’Brien, D. (2010). The Antecedents and Outcomes of Attachment and Sponsor Image within Charity Sport Events. Journal of Sport Management, 24, 623-648. King, C., Funk, D.C., & Wilkins, H. (2011). Bridging the Gap: An examination of the relative alignment of hospitality research and industry priorities. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 157-166. Lee, Y.S. & Funk, D.C. (2011). Recreational Sports Participation and Migrants’ Acculturation. Managing Leisure, 16, 1-16. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & O’Brien. (2011). Examining Motivation for Charity Sport Event Participation: A Comparison of Recreation-Based and Charity-Based Motives. Journal of Leisure Research, 43, 491-518. Crofts, C., Dickson, G., Schofield, G., & Funk, D.C. (2012). Post-Event Behavioral Intentions of Participants in a Women-Only Mass Participation Sporting Event. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 12, 260-274. King, C., Grace, D. & Funk, D.C. (2012). Employee Brand Equity: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Brand Management, 4, 268-288. Alexandris, K., Kouthouris, C., Funk, D.C., & Oga, T. (2012). The use of negotiation strategies among recreational participants with different involvement levels: The case of Recreational Swimmers. Leisure Studies, 1, 1-19. Kaplanidou, K., Jordan, J., Funk, D.C., & Ridinger, L. (2012). Recurring Sport Events and Destination Image Perceptions: Impact on Active Sport Tourist Behavioral Intentions and Place Attachment. Journal of Sport Management, 26, 237-248. Ridinger, L., Funk, D.C., Jordan, L., & Kaplanidou, K. (2012). Marathons for the Masses: Exploring the Role of Negotiation-Efficacy and Involvement on Running Commitment. Journal of Leisure Research, 44, 155-178. Lock, D., Taylor, T., Funk, D.C., & Darcy, S. (2012). Exploring the Development of Team Identification. Journal of Sport Management, 26, 283-294. Inoue, Y., Funk, D.C., & Jordan, J. (2014). The Role of Running Involvement in Creating Self-Sufficiency for Homeless Individuals through a Community-Based Running Program. Journal of Sport Management, 27, 439-452. Doyle, J., Kunkel, T., & Funk, D.C. (2013). Sport Spectator Segmentation: Examining the Differing Psychological Connections among Spectators of Leagues and Teams. International Journal of Sport Management and Sponsorship, 14, 2, 95-111. Filo, K., King, C., Chen, N., & Funk, D.C. (2013). Sport Tourists’ Involvement with a Destination: A Stage-Based Examination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 37, 100-124. Kunkel, T., Funk, D.C., & Hill, B. (2013). Brand Architecture, Drivers of Consumer Involvement, and Brand Loyalty with Professional Sport Leagues and Teams. Journal of Sport Management. 27, 177-192. Doyle, J., Filo, K., McDonald, H., & Funk, D.C. (2013). Exploring Sport Brand Double Jeopardy: The Link Between Market Share and Attitudinal Loyalty. Sport Management Review, 16, 3, 285-297. Filo, K., Funk, D.C. & Jordan, J. (2014). Exploring Activity-Contingent Volunteerism: A Preliminary Investigation of Volunteers within an Organisation Working with Homeless individuals (Back on My Feet). European Sport Management Quarterly, 14, 4, 397-421. Jordan, J.S., Brandon-Lai, S., Sato, M., Kent, A., & Funk, D.C. (2014). The Impact of Fan Identification and Notification on Survey Response and Data Quality. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 1, 27-36. Chen, N., Ji, S., & Funk, D.C. (2014). An Extended Study on Destination Image Decay of Sport Tourists over Time. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2, 241–252. Kunkel, T., Funk, D.C., & King, C. (2014). Developing a conceptual understanding of consumer-based league brand associations. Journal of Sport Management, 28, 49-67. Kunkel, T., Doyle, J., & Funk, D.C. (2014). Exploring Sport Brand Development Strategies to Strengthen Consumer Involvement with the Product – The Case of the Australian A-League. Sport Management Review, 17, 4, 470-483. Lock, D., Funk, D.C., Doyle, J., & McDonald, H. (2014). Examining the Longitudinal Structure, Stability and Dimensional Interrelationships of Team Identification. Journal of Sport Management, 28, 119-135. Sato, M., Jordan, J., Kaplanidou, K., & Funk, D.C. (2014). Determinants of Tourists’ Expenditure at Mass Participant Sport Events: A 5-Year Analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 17, 9, 763-771. Doyle, J., Pentecost, R., & Funk, D.C. (2014). The Effect of Familiarity on Associated Sponsor and Event Brand Attitudes Following Negative Celebrity Endorser Publicity. Sport Management Review. 17, 3, 310-323. Filo, K., Funk, D.C., & O’Brien, D. (2014). An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Camaraderie, Cause, Competency and Participation Motives in the Development of Attachment to a Charity Sport Event. Managing Leisure, 19, 4, 245-262. Sato, M., Jordan, J., Funk, D.C. (2014). The Role of Physically Active Leisure for Enhancing Quality of Life. Leisure Sciences, 3, 293-313. Du, J., Jordan, J..S, & Funk, D.C. (2015). Managing Mass Sport Participation: Adding a Personal Performance Perspective to Remodel Antecedents and Consequences of Participant Sport Event Satisfaction. Journal of Sport Management, 29(6), 688-704. Inoue, Y, Wegner, C., Jordan, J.S., & Funk, D.C. (2015). Relationships between Self-Determined Motivation and Developmental Outcomes in Sport-Based Positive Youth Development. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 27, 4, 371-383. Lee, SK., Jee, W., Funk, D.C., & Jordan, J. (2015). Analysis of Attendees’ Expenditure Patterns to Recurring Annual Events: Examining the Joint Effects of Repeat Attendance and Travel Distance. Tourism Management, 46, 177-186 King, C., Chen, N., & Funk, D.C. (2015). Exploring Destination Image Decay: A Study of Sport Tourists’ Destination Image Change after Event Participation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 39, 1, 3-31. Inoue, Y., Funk, D.C., Wann, D.L., Yoshida, M., Nakazawa, M. (2015). Team Identification and Postdisaster Social Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Social Support. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 19(1), 31-44. Wegner, C.E., Ridinger, L.L., Jordan, J.S., & Funk, D.C. (2015). Get Serious: Gender Constraints to Long Distance Running. Journal of Leisure Research, 47, 3, 305-321. Mahan, J., Seo, W., Jordan, J., Funk, D.C. (2015). Exploring the Role of Social Networking Sites in the Relationship Between Running Involvement, Running Behavior, and Social Life Satisfaction. Sport Management Review, 18, 2, 182-192. Sato, M., Jordan, J., & Funk, D.C. (2015). Distance Running Events and Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Sport Management, 4, 29, 347-361. Brandon-Lai, S., Funk, D.C., & Jordan J.S. (2015). The Stage-Based Development of Behavioral Regulation Within a Framework of Physically Active Leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 47, 4, 401-424. Funk, D.C., James, J., Alexandris, K. & King, C. (2011). Participation in Sport Activities: A Study of Motivation, Constraints, and Internalization. Applied Research In Coaching And Athletics Annual, 1, 1-23. Beaton, A.A., Funk, D.C., Ridinger, L., & Jordan, J. (2011). Sport Involvement: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis. Sport Management Review, 14, 126-140. Funk, D.C., Jordan, J., Ridinger, L, & Kaplanidou, K. (2011). Capacity of Mass Participant Sport Events for the Development of Activity Commitment and Future Exercise Intention. Leisure Sciences, 33, 250-268. Funk, D.C., Beaton, A.A., Pritchard, M. (2011). The Stage-Based Development of Physically Active Leisure: A Recreational Golf Context. Journal of Leisure Research, 43, 268-269. Funk, D.C., Beaton, A., & Alexandris, K. (2012). Sport Consumer Motivation: Autonomy and Control Orientations that Regulate Fan Behaviors. Sport Management Review, 15, 355-367.